Friendly Pivot是Blender的3D轴心标记操作插件,可以通过快捷键实现标记位置和方向的转换。
Blender插件Friendly Pivot v0.4.23
- 一键快速转换标记位置和方向
- 类似Maya的轴心工具,操作流畅
- 避免了手动选择组件进行转换的麻烦
- 支持多版本Blender系统
- 安装并启用Friendly Pivot插件
- 在3D视图中定位并选择对象
- 按下快捷键,实现标记转换
- 重复操作完成对象位置和方向的调整
Blender 2.93及以上版本
Friendly Pivot addon(Launch video) mimics the functionality of the Autodesk Maya Pivot Transform tool with minor differences and improvements for the Blender. Its main task is to quickly and conveniently change the Pivot Transform Orientation, Origin and 3D Cursor positions by pressing one key, eliminating the need to select the desired component of a mesh and long travel through different menus to select a necessary action.